Train for a New Career
or Upgrade your Skills
WIOA Partners can help with:
- Career Advising
- Career Planning Assistance
- Training & Education Opportunities
- English as a Second Language (ESL) Classes
- Illinois Diploma (GED) Classes
- Internships
- Tuition Assistance/Financial Aid
- Apprenticeships
Not sure where to begin exploring training?
Try the Training Guide on Illinois workNet!
WIOA Training Programs
Let us help you train for a new in demand career!
Eligible youth, adults, and dislocated workers can go to school in training programs linked to demand occupations with WIOA support. We can help with the cost of tuition, fees, books, supplies, exams, transportation, and childcare costs so you can complete training successfully.
Search WIOA Training Programs
Check out our Community College Partners for information on Training Programs:
Carl Sandburg College
Spoon River College
John Wood Community College
Paying for School
For help paying for school, explore our partner community college financial aid offices, or apply for WIOA assistance.