Beyond Employment and Training Services…

WIOA Partners can help with:

  • Computer/Internet Access
  • Unemployment Benefits
  • Food Assistance
  • Medical Assistance
  • Adequate place to sleep
  • Elder Care
  • Child Care
  • Victim Services
  • Utilities Assistance

Our Partners provide a wide variety of services to help improve quality of life for all citizens residing in west central Illinois.

Computer/Internet Access

Western Illinois Works, Inc. and Two Rivers Regional Council offer computer and internet access to the public, sometimes with staff assistance available. Contact any office for locations and hours of operation.

Unemployment Benefits

Find information about unemployment insurance (UI) and file a claim through the link above. Search the Illinois Department of Employment Security site for even more information on unemployment benefits, veterans services, job services, and more.

Food Assistance

Family Community Resource Centers through DHS administer SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) to help low-income families purchase food. Cash assistance is also provided through TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) and AABD (Aid to the Aged, Blind, and Disabled). Our Partners can provide information on local food pantries in your area upon request.

Medical Assistance

Medical coverage, including Medicaid, is available for low-income individuals and families through DHS Family Community Resource Centers.

Adequate Place to Sleep

TRRC has a voucher program to assist the homeless population to find shelter. This program is available in Adams, Brown, Pike and Schuyler counties. In Adams County, clients must have a referral from the Salvation Army. Participants are required to do job searches each week and participate in weekly Job Clubs with the goal to transition into permanent housing.

Elder Care

Services and programs are available for older persons throughout our six counties: Adams, Brown, Calhoun, Hancock, Pike and Schuyler. Our programs are meant to increase quality of life for elders, including living options, home care, nutrition, transportation, volunteering, and other activities. We know our stuff and we want you to understand that there is help available for you no matter what your circumstance. Give us a call today at 217-223-5700 or 1-800-252-9027 (toll free.) We’d love to hear from you!

Child Care

IDHS subsidizes child care services for low-income working families to assure them of quality, affordable child care while they work. Families share the costs on a sliding scale.

Victim Services

WIRC-CAA provides crisis counseling and advocacy to survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and/or stalking through its Victim Services department. Victim Services is at a non-disclosed location to protect the safety and confidentiality of survivors and counselors. To reach a counselor, call the 24/7 free and confidential crisis hotline at (309) 837-5555.

Utilities Assistance

Every year, grant funds are available to help income-eligible households with their natural gas, propane and electric bills, and with furnace assistance. The cycle begins September 1st and runs through May 31st of the following calendar year. LIHEAP provides one-time benefits to income-eligible homeowners/renters to help them with their energy bills and with reconnection of energy service, if applicable. For Hancock, Henderson, Knox, McDonough, and Warren counties, contact our partner Western Illinois Regional Council. For Adams, Brown, Pike, and Schuyler counties, contact our partner Two Rivers Regional Council.

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