

About Us

Workforce programs provide funding for skills training, apprenticeships, paid work experience, internships, on-the-job training, job search assistance, and supportive services to eligible individuals.  Eligibility varies by program but includes low-income adults, youth attending school, youth not attending school or employed. Youth out of school may qualify as a high school dropout, pregnant or parenting, individuals with a disability, foster child or aged out of foster care, an offender, or a high school graduate that is basic skills deficient.  Dislocated workers, individuals laid off through fault of their own, including COVID-relayed layoffs, are also eligible for services.

Contact: Western Illinois Works, 311 E Main St, Suite 612, Galesburg, IL 61401

Phone: (309) 343-9832 or 440 N. Lafayette St Macomb, Il 61455 Phone: (309)837-1280

and TRRC WIOA, 107 N 3rd St, Quincy, IL 62301 Phone: (217) 224-8171


IDES provides Unemployment Insurance (UI), Wagner-Peyser Act (Employment Services), Trade Readjustment Allowances (TRA), Migrant Seasonal Farm Workers (MSFW), and Veterans Services.  These services are designed to sustain economic growth by expanding employment opportunities to qualified job seekers. The programs objectives are to reduce the loss of productivity by filling job openings as quickly as possible and to shorten the duration of individuals’ unemployment. For job seekers who are not job ready, Employment Services, in cooperation with other workforce partners, assist clients to access training, employability development services, and other supportive services needed to realize their employment goals. Contact: IDES (800) 244-5631

Adult Education provides Adult Basic Education (ABE) and Adult Secondary Education (ASE) classroom instruction.  Academic instruction is designed to prepare students to obtain high school equivalency and college readiness, Staff coordinate class schedules with WIOA partners to maximize service delivery for adult learners.  Staff also provide support services, including referrals to partner and community agencies, to assist students in educational and employment goal attainment.  Adult Education staff provide training on program services at quarterly frontline staff trainings to ensure on-site and partner staff have information to make effective referrals. Contact: John Wood Community College, Adult Education, 1301 South 48th St, Quincy, IL 62305. Phone: (217) 641-4962, Regional Office of Education #33, 105 N E St, Monmouth, IL 61462 Phone (309) 715-7308 ext.1015, Spoon River College 208 S. Johnson St Macomb IL 61455  Phone (309) 837-5727.


The Illinois Division of Rehabilitation Services (DRS) provides vocational/rehabilitation services to area residents.  Services can include classroom training, home services, independent living services, along with information and referral.  An individual who has a disability pursuant to Title II and Title XVI of the Social Security Act and desires to achieve an employment outcome; or is determined by a qualified personnel to have a physical or mental impediment which constitutes or results in a substantial impediment to employment for the individual and requires vocational rehabilitation services to prepare, secure, retain or retain employment.

Contact – IDHS-DRS, 300 Maine, Ste. 102, Quincy, IL  62301, and Phone:  (217) 224-2600, VP:  (217) 919-9658

IDHS-DRS, 1 University Circle Dr., Seal Hall, 3rd Floor, Room 314, Macomb, Illinois 61455, Phone: (309) 833-457, TTY: (888) 261-2867

IDHS-DRS, xxxxxxxxx Galesburg, Illinois 61401  Phone xxxxxxx TTYxxxxxxx


The CSBG program is designed to provide a range of services which assist low-income people to attain skills, knowledge and motivation necessary to achieve self-sufficiency. The program also may provide low-income people immediate life necessities such as food, shelter, medicine, etc. The Illinois Department of Commerce administers the CSBG program in accordance with federal law and the Illinois Economic Opportunity Act. In its administration, the department places an equal emphasis on self-sufficiency efforts and providing relief for the immediate needs of low-income people.

Career and Technical Education staff provides Perkins and Career Services assistance on-site at Carl Sandburg College and John Wood Community College.  Services provided are for individuals looking for workforce related careers and/or seeking education in a career and technical program at either college.  Once enrolled in a career and technical education program, Perkins Student Support Services are available to students who are academically or economically disadvantaged.  Support Services may include: Textbook Loans, Bus Passes, Mileage Assistance, Equipment Loans, Provision of Required Supplies, Tutoring, and Referral Services.

Contact: Carl Sandburg College, 2400 Tom L. Wilson Blvd, Galesburg, IL 61401

Phone: (309)341-5274) John Wood Community College, Career & Technical Education, 1301 S 48th St, Quincy, IL 62305 Phone: (217) 641-4974 or Spoon River College

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) provides temporary financial assistance for pregnant women and families with one or more dependent children.  TANF provides financial assistance to help pay for food, shelter, utilities and expenses other than medical.  Customers may apply and manage their benefits for Cash, SNAP (Food Stamps) & Medical Assistance online through the Application for Benefits Eligibility (ABE) portal.  Paper applications will also be available at their local Family Community Resource Center (FCRC).

Contact: Adams County FCRC, 300 Main St., 2nd Floor, Quincy – serving customers in Adams, Pike & Hancock Counties

Cass County FCRC, 300 E. 2nd St., Beardstown – serving customers in Brown & Schuyler counties

Knox County FCRC, 821 W. Main, Suite 100, Galesburg – serving customers in Knox County

McDonough County FCRC, 640 Sherman Drive, Suite 309, 3rd Floor/Seal Hall, Macomb – serving customers in McDonough County

Warren County FCRC, 1245 S. Main St., Monmouth – serving customers in Henderson & Warren Counties

National Able Network provides employment services to individuals 55 years of age and older.  SCSEP commits to work in conjunction with all WIOA partners to coordinate service strategies for delivering workforce services for LWA14.  SCSEP provides Outreach, Intake and Orientation, Skills Assessment and Referral for direct services.

West Central IL Area Agency on Aging, 639 York St., Quincy IL 62301 Phone: 217-223-7904 x116

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